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Sand type sand casting processing technology
Edit:Ningbo Yinzhou Rei Machinery Co., Ltd.   UpDate:2017-09-12

The sand casting process of PC equipment is as follows:

First, pre-expansion

Polystyrene beads are pre-loaded to the appropriate density, sand-type sand casting process, which is usually performed by steam rapid heating.

II. Model forming

Stabilized by pre-expanded beads, then into the mold cavity, then into the steam, so that the beads soften, swell, fill all the blanks and adhesive synthesis.

Third, the model clustering

Before using the model, you must place the appropriate time (hours to days) to stabilize it and then stick the block models together.

IV. Type series impregnating coating

The model cluster is immersed in a refractory coating and then dried in an air circulating oven at approximately 30160 ° C for 2-3 h. After drying, the model clusters are placed in a sand box, filled with dry sand for vibration compaction (usually formed by vacuum) Pressing, so that the sand type is compacted), the inner cavity of the mold group and the peripheral dry sand must be compressed and supported.

Sand type sand casting processing technology

5. Casting and melting

After the metal is poured into the mold, the model material is vaporized at a high temperature, and the space is replaced by metal to form a casting.

VI. Sand cleaning

After casting, the casting is solidified and cooled in a flask, then sanded and cleaned.

The sand casting processing technology of EPC equipment, with its high precision, low cost and good working environment, will gradually replace some sand casting processing such as old-black sand sand casting processing and resin sand sand casting processing. It is believed that it will have good performance. To develop the future, let us wait and see!
