Ningbo Yinzhou Rei Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Company Name: Ningbo Yinzhou Rei Machinery Co., Ltd
Address: Jiangshan City, Ningbo Yinzhou, Zhejiang Province
Zhen Shen Feng shui cun
Contact Person: Manager Li
Tel: 13355950523

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Industry Development of Stainless Steel Casting Industry
Edit:Ningbo Yinzhou Rei Machinery Co., Ltd.   UpDate:2017-05-20

Now your country's / Strong> industry in technology, quality, price, compared to Southeast Asia and the Middle East countries, has great advantages, trade prospects are very clear. At the same time a large number of foreign joint ventures into China, the casting of the resale and export will also be China's stainless steel casting parts of the export of an important component.

Since the production cost of stainless steel castings in China is much lower than that of foreign countries, with the continuous improvement of stainless steel casting and processing technology, it can not only reduce the import of stainless steel castings, but also gradually open the market, Foreign exports more casting products. In the "second five" period, casting imports in a short period of time to continue to maintain the momentum of growth, casting exports will also have a greater development prospects. In the wave of economic globalization, the international division of labor in the process of industrial development has gradually formed. According to the pressure of cost, foreign investors have purchased a large number of casting parts in China, and even some manufacturers have established precision casting in China.

In the wave of economic globalization, Processing production base, which can be expected in the future for a long period of time, China will still bear the international non-ferrous metals gradually related products and manufacturing tasks. On the other hand, due to the unremitting efforts of casting colleagues, vigorously develop the industry, China's casting industry level and ability has been greatly improved, casting the quality of products and advanced countries, the gap is shrinking, and low prices to promote foreign The surge in purchases, a huge demand for overseas markets is the prosperity of China's casting industry plays a significant role in promoting.

Our company specializes in producing all kinds of precision casting processing, sand casting processing, stainless steel casting and processing products, is widely used in mining, electrical and mechanical, equipment, ships, railways, oil extraction, automobile and motorcycle accessories, hardware tools , Construction, construction machinery and other industries. At present, I plant the development of hundreds of different specifications of the variety of products, in addition to some of the domestic market sales, a large number of exports to Japan, the United States, Canada, Australia and many European countries and regions.
